- Windows xp professional operating system free

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The appearance of windows shell elements such as desktops, taskbar, start menu, get a better design with transparent icons and shadow drops. The Start menu gets two columns, and now it is completely customizable by the user.

Windows Explorer also gets new features and changes, like task pane useful file actions shown in the left hand sidebar , file thumbnails, sorting, grouping etc. Microsoft's developed multimedia applications have been updated and added more to the operating system, such as a new version of Windows Media Player, Windows Photo Viewer, and Movie Maker.

General information for all XP editions Windows XP has a lot of updates in the user interface compared to Windows ME and , making it easier to use and navigate through files and programs.

Restart the computer. Press the boot device menu key and select USB to boot first. Uploaded by EsotericUsername on February 27, Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass.

User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Step 4: Extract the files under xpm to a new folder by pressing the ellipsis icon next to the address bar and then choose the destination for the extracted files. As these are archive files and not executable files, they are read-only.

Once you rename it to VirtualXP. VHD, it should immediately change into a virtual hard drive and the icon to boot. Then grant your virtual machine a suitable name. Step 8: Assign the virtual machine some memory MB at least and the virtual hard disk. You should choose Use an existing virtual hard disk file under Hard disk. Step 9: After that, hit the folder with the green arrow and browse to the folder we extracted our files to.

Then choose VirtualXP and Open. When you're ready, press OK , then OK again to start the extraction process. This can take a minute or two. Head to the folder you created when the extraction process completes. You'll see the same list of files. The difference is that you can now edit these files as you see fit. Press F2 to rename. The file should immediately change into a virtual hard disk and the icon to boot. VirtualBox is a free app that allows you to run operating systems in a window.

On the VirtualBox toolbar, press Settings. Head to System. Look at the Boot Order. Uncheck Floppy, and move it down the list. Promote Hard Disk to the top of the pile. Just like your host PC, the virtual machine has a specific boot order. You need the virtual hard disk at the top of the list, so it boots first:. Next, check the Windows XP virtual machine network settings. Older versions of VirtualBox required a more manual approach to network configuration.



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